AG Cuts

Where Style and Comfort Meet the Cut

Welcome aboard

barber shop

Welcome to AG Cuts, the ultimate destination for all your grooming needs. Situated at the intersection of tradition and trend, our barbershop offers a blend of classic techniques with modern styles to give you the exact look you desire. Here, you’re not just another customer; you’re part of our community. Our highly-skilled barbers not only focus on precise cuts, but also on creating a relaxing and comfortable experience that will leave you looking and feeling your best. Come experience the AG Cuts difference—where style and comfort meet the cut.

01. Hair Products

A carefully curated selection of premium hair products to help you maintain and elevate your look long after you’ve left our chair

03. Hair Cuts

Each haircut is a tailored experience designed to enhance your individual style, executed with precision and care by our team of skilled barbers.

02. Wax

Top-of-the-line hair wax options offer the perfect finishing touch, allowing you to sculpt and maintain your style with long-lasting hold and natural shine

04. Colour

A comprehensive range of hair colouring services, using high-quality, vibrant dyes to achieve results that not only look stunning but also stand the test of time.

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Years long tradition

Years of experience

Your beard and hair are in good hands

Open Hours

AG Cuts is open six days a week to accommodate your busy schedule, making it easier than ever to get the haircut or styling service you need when you need it.


8.00 – 18.00


8.00 – 18.00


8.00 – 18.00


8.00 – 18.00


8.00 – 18.00


9:00 – 16:00



Latest styles

At AG Cuts, we stay ahead of the curve by continuously updating our repertoire with the latest styles and trends, ensuring you always leave our shop looking current and fashionable.

Introductions are in order

about me

I’m Ahmed, the manager and main barber here at AG Cuts, and I take great pride in delivering cuts that are both modern and meticulously crafted. I keep up with the latest trends and styles, ensuring that each client walks out feeling confident and looking their absolute best.

Say Beard!

Please fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you to confirm your appointment.